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Our 'Hall of Fame'...

“Music enhances the education of our children by helping them to make connections and broadening the depth with which they think and feel..."

- Yo Yo Ma

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Our 2023 & 2024 Musical Achievements:

Congratulations to all our students, who have been progressing in leaps & bounds... It has been so rewarding to be guiding & directing your music learning journey, and watching you all grow as young musicians as you achieve your dreams!

Excellent results in our 2024 exams - from 6 different examiners, in NSW & Victoria, across all levels from Elementary to Advanced!

Sophie achieved grades 2, 3 & 4 in 18 months with Honours!

Adeline completed BOTH Grade 8 AND Performance Certificate!

Jewel & Mithraa enjoyed duetting together!

Katie won the Penrith Eisteddfod Open Recital Section in 2024!

Naomi finished P-Plate 3, and got her Piano Licence!

Sophia finished Grades 3 & 4...both with an Honours, and started Grade 6!

David is delighted to have achieved Grades 1 & 2 with great results!

Joshua finished his Grade 6 & 7 Piano exams with Honours!

Mithraa finished Grade 3 with an Honours (A)!

Piano lessons

Aadhya is thrilled to have achieved Grade 3 with Honours an (A)!

Jewel's excited she got her Grade 2 Piano Certificate with Credit!

Rosamond finished both Grade 8 Piano AND Grade 4 Musicianship with excellent results!

Katie Wagga 3-min_edited

Katie won Wagga Open Piano Championship & several other sections!

Accelerating Learning through Enjoyment & Achievement

You can achieve musical success too - Let us help you unlock your potential!

Hear from our students:

"I am so appreciative for the musical journey over the last four years and to have grown as a pianist under your careful guidance. This have been such an important part of my university experience and I am very grateful to you for being so accommodating to enable this to happen. I will always look back on our lessons fondly as I continue to enjoy music throughout my career and beyond. Thank you" 

- Helen (Diploma Student)

~ Our Musical Highlights from 2021 & 2022 ~

Over the last few years students have continued learning and growing musically - We have enjoyed seeing them all develop some great music skills, confidence and a healthy growth mindset through their musical pursuits! 

Congratulations to Everyone - We are so very proud of you all!

For just a few of our musical achievements, click on the pictures and take a look through the gallery below...

Tamworth Eisteddfod Piano Champion for 2022!

While preparing for her AMusA piano exam, Katie competed in Tamworth Eisteddfod, and won the Open Championship at Tamworth Eisteddfod, with a beautiful performance of the first movement of Haydn's C minor Sonata, and Debussy's beautiful 'Evening in Granada'!

In addition to this she also won the Jean Coates Memorial Bach Open section, and the Romantic Piano Solo Open section.  

Well deserved results for a dedicated young lady!

Thank you to the adjudicator, Melissa Bucholtz, for your encouraging words.

We very much appreciate the Tamworth Eisteddfod Society running this event , and maintaining such a high standard of competition, to encourage young performers.

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vocal coaching

- Lake Macquarie Vocal Eisteddfod 2022 -

Congratulations to Matthew, who won first place in both the 'Michael Saunders Aria' and the 'Hawkins Family Stage & Screen' sections at the Lake Macquarie Eisteddfod last October!  This was a very exciting result, as these sections encompass a number of different genres.  

Our thanks to both Michael Saunders & the Hawkins family for sponsoring both these wonderful sections.  Matthew is pictured here with the adjudicator, Mrs Karen Walmsley.

Matthew also finished his Bachelor of Music at Sydney Conservatorium, with a high distinction in his special performance project. And on top of all this, gained his AMusA in Classical Voice - What talent, what dedication and what a year!

- Lake Macquarie Piano Eisteddfod 2022-

Congratulations to Katie, on gaining first place in the 2022 Open Recital Joan Lambert Scholarship! For this section, she performed a full 20 minute recital of Bach, Haydn and Debussy. This was a wonderful result, as this scholarship is quite a prestigious and competitive award for advanced piano levels.  

A big thank you to Mrs Joan Lambert for sponsoring this wonderful section - a great way for students to build up their recital skills, and with a high standard of competition.

Katie also won first place in all her other piano sections at Lake Macquarie!

She is pictured here with the adjudicator, Mr Barry Walmsley.

We are very grateful to the Lake Macquarie Music Society for maintaining this annual event, which is a wonderful way for students to gain important performance experience!

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2021 - Success in 'Charleston International Piano Competition' 

-Romantic Period 14 & 16 year old sections-

piano lessons

2020 News - Achieving despite the first 'Covid' Year!

Well, like everybody else, we had a challenging year in 2020.  Things were humming along nicely at the start of the year...only to be disrupted by the first lockdown!  Which meant that all our students (and their wonderful parents!) learned a lot about learning piano online.  Whilst we still value traditional in-person lessons, we were thrilled with just how successful both students and teachers were in surviving and then thriving with Zoom lessons! 


Of course, prior to Covid, our long-term distance students had already shown us just how effective online lessons can be - But it has been simply stunning to see the results this year, despite the majority of students' lessons being online for at least 6 months.  


Congratulations to Everyone!  We are just so proud of you all for persevering & overcoming challenges in 2020!  

Take a look through the gallery below...

~ Our Student News & Events from 2020 ~